Recone Prices
There is a service charge of $60.00 an hour for the removal of speakers from cabinets. It rarely takes an hour to get the speaker out, and we only charge for the amount of time it takes (15 minutes = $15.00). The only reason we charge for this is due to the additional connecting and testing that must be done to ensure the cabinet is working properly. We advise and encourage that you remove your speaker before sending it in.
Questions regarding pricing please call 1-855-732-6631 or send email to
Recone Prices
Standard and O.E.M**
8" $60.00
10" $65.00
12" $70.00
15" $85.00
18" $110.00
**Standard and O.E.M (Original Equipment Manufacture) includes home speakers and brands such as Advent, Cerwin Vega, Eminence, etc. (See a complete list of standard and O.E.M brands on the "Speaker Brands" Tab
Pro Sound*** - CALL FOR QUOTE
8" $65.00 thru $75.00
10" $68.00 thru $78.00
12" $85.00 thru $130.00
15" $90.00 thru $135.00
18" $125.00 thru $165.00
***Pro Sound included brands such as B&C, EAW, Electro Voice, JBL,RCF, etc. (See a complete list of Pro Sound brands on the "Speaker Brands" Tab